
Don’t Let The Good Ones Get Away: Mistakes Companies Make When Hiring

Hiring the right IT professional is a game-changer for your company, but it’s easier said than done. Many companies struggle to capture amazing talent or miss out on someone great due to common hiring mistakes. At OSTechnical we have 20 years of experience in finding you the perfect match for your business’s IT goals. 

Here are some tips we have learned that will help you avoid missing out on your missing link and find the perfect match for your IT needs:

1. Clearly Define the Role

A nightmare scenario for anyone in the workforce is getting hired for a new position and then realizing they had no idea of what they signed up for. One of the biggest mistakes companies make is not clearly defining the role they are hiring for. High-performing employees have no questions about what their responsibilities are. Before you start the hiring process, take the time to outline the specific duties, skills, and qualifications required for the position. A clear definition of a role leads to less confusion and exponentially more productivity that will pay off literally and figuratively in no time.

2. Look Beyond the Resume

What’s in a name? Or a list of prior positions for that matter? While a candidate’s resume is important, it shouldn’t be the only factor you consider. According to a global survey conducted by Canva, 71% of hiring managers expect text-based, or traditional resumes, to be a thing of the past in the next ten years. [1

Look for candidates who have a passion for IT and a track record of success in their field. Objectively evaluating applicants is always an excellent choice. Consider using skills assessments or technical tests to evaluate candidates’ abilities more accurately. This will help you narrow the field and ensure that you find your IT match.

3. Consider Cultural Fit

Finding someone with the right skills is important, but it’s also crucial to find someone who will fit in with your company culture. Look for candidates who share your company’s values, a passion for your mission, and a vision that aligns with your team. From the very beginning emphasize your company’s culture in the job description. The best candidates on the hunt for opportunities today aren’t just looking for a salary. They hope to find a business that aligns with their beliefs. 

According to research conducted by LinkedIn, 59% of respondents said that they would not work for a company that doesn’t represent their values. [2] When hiring, this idea goes both ways. When you are considering future IT professionals that fit your job description take their enthusiasm for your mission and the values your workplace lives by.

4. Use Your Network

Networking can be a valuable resource when it comes to hiring IT professionals. Reach out to your professional contacts and ask for recommendations or referrals. From LinkedIn to using your alumni network putting a trusted filter on the applicants you consider cuts down on the chance of making one of those dreaded hiring mistakes. This is also a reminder to keep in contact with your professional contacts. You never know who might have the number of your next great hire.

5. Provide Growth Opportunities

Don’t settle for less. If you haven’t found the IT professional you are looking for with your initial job descriptions we recommend highlighting opportunities for growth and advancement. Top talent is always looking to improve and move up in the industry. According to a Pew Research study, 63% of people who left their positions in 2021 cited a lack of chances for advancement in the workplace. [3

Offer employees short-term projects that exercise different muscles and create mentorship programs for new hires. Candidates are looking for a diversity of opportunities to hone their skills. All you have to do is offer them.

By following these tips, you can avoid common hiring mistakes and find the perfect IT professional for your company. Remember, hiring the right person is an investment in your company’s future success, so take the time to find the perfect match. OSTechnical is always here for your IT hiring needs and guarantees a mistake-free, easy hiring process every time.


  1. (2017, November 9). YouTube: Home. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from https://public.canva.site/new-year-new-job
  2. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/benjaminlaker/2023/04/19/company-values-essential-for-attracting-and-retaining-talent-says-linkedin/?sh=1f8a97a6231e
  3. Baskin, K. (2023, June 13). To keep employees, focused on career advancement. MIT Sloan. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from https://mitsloan.mit.edu/ideas-made-to-matter/to-keep-employees-focus-career-advancement

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